Why Lithium Is the World's Most Dangerous Element

Alex Koyfman

Posted October 13, 2022

Dear Reader,

For years now, it's been touted as the 21st-century answer to all of the problems we created during the 20th century.

The successor to fossil fuel; the crucial ingredient in the next-generation, decentralized power grid; our biggest and brightest hope to decrease the global carbon footprint and curb the effects of climate change.

Lithium, the silvery-white alkali metal known to chemists by its symbol (Li), is the crucial element behind the modern rechargeable battery industry — with a market share predicted to be worth $200 billion by the end of this decade.

Everything from your phone to your car to the solar farm or turbine field supplying your home's energy will come to depend on it in the next 10–20 years.

The problem is… every lithium-ion battery in existence today has a dirty secret built into it.

It's the reason why Teslas, smartphones, and vape pens all share the same propensity for catching fire — lithium is inherently unstable as a battery cathode material, with overheating and membrane degradation being the main culprits behind events like the one pictured below. 

tesla fire

According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, every year, there are over 5,000 lithium battery fires in the U.S. alone.

A Ticking Time Bomb in Your Front Pocket?

Though car conflagrations are by far the most dramatic and visible of these incidents, lithium battery fires have started with small, consumer products as well — many times while on the pockets of their owners.

Five thousand fires per year may not sound like a huge number within a population numbering 330 million, but remember, the lithium revolution is only now kicking off.

The number of lithium-powered vehicles on American roads is set to rise more than tenfold by the end of the decade, and with that, so too will the incidence rate of life threatening calamities.

Decades from now, all of this will be seen as one of the growing pains of transitioning from a fossil fuel-driven economy, but right now it's a hazard that's growing bigger and more dangerous by the day.

Soon enough, not just your car but the building in which you live and sleep as well as the buildings in which you work and where your kids go to school will be powered by lithium.

You're starting to see the problem.

Unfortunately, this is a problem that relatively few people in the EV or consumer tech sectors are willing to discuss openly.

Why? Because this dirty little secret has been determined to be an acceptable risk by the powers that be, so the people of this world — you and me and everyone we know and love — will just have to live with it.

Remember the Ford Pinto?

Today, all of this is starting to change.

While the lithium industry marches forward, one company has been researching a solution that could remove Li from the battery manufacturing process altogether.

Using a new space-age material discovered only a handful of years ago, this company has been building and testing a new kind of battery with benefits substantial enough to potentially disrupt the $200 billion benchmark of the rechargeable battery industry.

These new batteries boast some incredible capabilities, including more than double the capacity of comparable lithium-ion products, more than 3 times the service life, and up to 70 times the charge speed.

To put things into perspective, just imagine being able to charge your phone to capacity in less than half a minute, have that charge last more than a full day, and continue to use the phone for three–five years without any noticeable degradation.

Oh, yeah, and with a fire risk that's decreased to basically zero.

That's the level of improvement we're talking about, and it's all done without a single gram of lithium.

The company that's building these new batteries is young and is almost unheard of outside the industry inner circles, but that's already changing.

Their first production facility, located in Queensland, Australia, is already turning out coin- and pouch-sized batteries and sending them, to potential clients and partners for evaluation.

A Second Energy Revolution Happening Right Under Your Nose

If everything goes as expected, you will see the first of these next-gen batteries hitting the market within the next 12–15 months.

After that, the EV and distributed storage markets are sure to follow.

Today, however, this company is still basically just a tech startup, with a market capitalization of less than a quarter-billion dollars.

I honestly can't tell you the last time I saw a company or a stock (it's already trading on two North American exchanges) this undervalued.

And with recent market turmoil dragging the entire tech sector down, the bargains we're looking at today are likely never to be repeated.

I've been writing about this story to my premium readers for months now, but as the opportunity reaches unprecedented proportions, I'm finally giving all of Wealth Daily access to it.

It's simply too important to keep a secret any longer.

If you want to learn more, the first step is to watch the video presentation our media team put together for me.

It's quick, easy to understand, and will give you all the information you need to understand the opportunity for yourself.

I urge you to check it out ASAP. There's no registration required. Just click and watch.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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His flagship service, Microcap Insider, provides market-beating insights into some of the fastest moving, highest profit-potential companies available for public trading on the U.S. and Canadian exchanges. With more than 5 years of track record to back it up, Microcap Insider is the choice for the growth-minded investor. Alex contributes his thoughts and insights regularly to Energy and Capital. To learn more about Alex, click here.

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